Fixed Asset Management

Asset management in businesses involves managing and optimizing a company's assets to achieve the highest efficiency. This includes managing fixed assets (such as machinery and equipment) and current assets (such as inventory and cash).

Regular inspections and maintenance of fixed assets help prolong their lifespan and maintain operational performance. Managing current assets helps businesses maintain cash flow and optimize working capital.

Effective asset management not only helps save costs but also contributes to increased productivity and profitability. Understanding the value of assets, knowing when to upgrade or replace them, and seizing investment opportunities are crucial factors in successful asset management.

Daisy Fixed Asset Management - DS.FAM


Main Functions

Reports & Analysis

More Information

User can add new Item (category), new product and add new purchased assets. Asset List and Ledger will be updated for each transaction of asset addition.

DS.FAM enables group reports of assets by Product cost, Class, Provider, Branch and Department etc.

Asset Tracking (Bar-Code , Serials, Register) is flexible solution that offers complete visibility in to the location, Condition and quantity of your assets.

DS.FAM estimates Asset depreciation expense for the periods for which you project depreciation based on the financial information for your existing assets at the start of that period. The projection includes additions, transfers, and reclassification transactions you perform in the current period.

DS.FAM provides their users the feature of classify their Asset. Tangible (Land, Building, Machines, Plants, Furniture, Computer, Vehicles Etc) and Intangible (Patent, Software Etc)

Assets can be assigned to employees or users to give them the responsibility of managing and maintaining those assets.

Warranty Information can be effectively assigned for purchased assets.

Disposal Method for Asset which can be generated for two purposes. Sales purpose disposal and wastage disposal

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